Healthy eating is on the menu at St Andrew’s Church talks

Healthier eating is being made easier for Fulham residents thanks to a free event at St Andrew’s Church.

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Nutritionist Sarah Green

Healthier eating is being made easier for Fulham residents thanks to a free event at St Andrew’s Church.

The Eat Well to Live Well talk and cooking demonstrations in the church’s Star Cafe have gone down well with the locals.

Experts are on hand to offer advice and techniques to create simple healthy dishes from nutritionist Sarah Green, followed by a free scrumdiddlyumptious lunch.

People suffering with health problems have seen marked improvements in their quality of life after attending the tasty sessions in Fulham.

"Investing in community-led work like these talks helps improve the health and wellbeing of local residents,” said Cllr Vivienne Lukey, H&F Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care.

“The talks have also been an opportunity for mums to come along for recipe ideas for healthy and affordable family meals and an excellent volunteering opportunity for a diverse range of young people.

“And we've seen real improvements in the health of older people with diabetes, chronic heart conditions and mental health issues.”

Greatest wealth is health

With the support of H&F Council and HG Walter, the family-run butchers in Barons Court, residents can gain a wealth of knowledge from nutritionist Sarah, who is a member of the congregation at St Andrew’s.

Shelia, 61, from Fulham, a regular to the Eat Well to Live Well events, has learned to deal with her angina after attending the talks.

“I’ve noticed such a difference in my skin,” said Sheila.

“I now eat foods I’d never had before and they taste good. I’ve have no problems with my angina since I’ve been coming. Touch wood!”

The next Eat Well to Live Well event is on 21 March at St Andrew’s Star Café from 10.15am to 12.30pm. For more details, email:

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