H&F to work with parents to protect school funding

H&F Council is stepping up its fight and urging parents, carers and guardians to get involved.

Hammersmith & Fulham Council is stepping up its fight against Government plans that could see funding for local schools slashed – and is urging parents, carers and guardians to get involved.

Changes to the way the Government funds schools across the country are likely to have a negative impact on Hammersmith & Fulham schools, with some projections predicting a cut of 10 per cent to each school. Such cuts could threaten jobs, hit the range of subjects taught, and even damage the long-term viability of some schools.

“We know that the tremendous work undertaken by teachers, governors, parents and carers each and every day makes our schools thrive. Any cuts to funding will make that work more difficult”, said Cllr Sue Macmillan, H&F Cabinet Member for Children and Education.

“I have been talking to schools about this issue for some months now, but it is crucial that people are aware of the Government’s plans and what we can do together to oppose them. That’s why we are launching a borough-wide drive to involve all those who care about our local schools to join with us in fighting these plans.”

Essentially the Government is looking to cut funding from authorities like H&F to redistribute that money to authorities outside of London that have historically invested less in their schools.

The Government is expected to make a formal announcement in the coming weeks, and also launch a consultation on their plans.

Parents, carers and guardians can be the first to know when this happens, and also have their say on the plans, by simply following this link: lbhf.gov.uk/FairFunding.

“Just as Hammersmith & Fulham Council invested in education for many years, it is right that the Government should invest in education outside London - but not at the expense of our schools,” Cllr Macmillan added.

“It’s really important at that point that as many people as possible get involved in the consultation. The council is determined to do all it can to safeguard funding for all schools in our borough. The arguments we make when the government announces its plans will be made all the more powerful with your support.”

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