A-level students impress yet again in Hammersmith & Fulham

High achievers in the borough once again.

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A-level results day 2015 at Burlington Danes Academy. Fatima Sharif, 18 and Lakshmi Magon, 18. Picture: Kevin Poolman

Pupils across Hammersmith & Fulham have been celebrating after producing another impressive set of A-level results.

Combined provisional results across Burlington Danes Academy, Hammersmith Academy, Lady Margaret School, London Oratory School, Phoenix High School, Sacred Heart High School and William Morris Sixth Form saw a 98 per cent pass rate at grades A*-E.

H&F students’ hard work has paid off with 9 per cent of pupils achieving elusive A* passes, one per cent more than the national average.

Councillor Sue Macmillan, Cabinet Member for Children and Education, said: “We know pupils and teachers at the borough’s schools work incredibly hard and it’s great to see another fantastic set of results which reflects that.

“Congratulations to everyone picking up their results and I wish them luck in the next stage in their lives.”

One of the borough’s hard-working pupils with a clutch of A* results rewarding her determination is 19-year-old Chelsea Haggerty who studied at the William Morris Sixth Form.

“I just burst into tears when I saw the results. I didn’t expect it at all,” she said.

Other high achievers included Daniel Ayane, of Loftus Road, Shepherds Bush who landed a coveted scholarship at Harvard to study engineering as he turned 18 on results day.

Daniel achieved straight A*s in maths, further maths and physics and an extra A* in his extended project qualification in aerospace engineering at Burlington Danes Academy.

“There are no words that can describe it. If I'm honest I didn't expect that many A*s, wow, it's just amazing,” he said.

In Fulham, Lydia Earthy’s only comment was ‘that’s amazing’ when she opened her envelope revealing A* grades in art and English, and an A in chemistry.

And it was not just A-level students celebrating, many of those studying vocational qualifications were equally happy.

Mohamed Ali, was one of many securing fantastic apprenticeship opportunities through Fulham Enterprise Studio’s work experience programme throughout their course.

“The work experience has been great in preparing for an apprenticeship, it helps you to know what to expect,” he said.

Other pupils at the academy are going to take on places at universities, including BIMM London and University of Bedfordshire.

View our Flickr gallery with pictures from sixth forms in Hammersmith & Fulham

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