H&F Works

A dedicated service which matches up employers and people looking for work. Offers recruitment and training support too.

Finding a job made easy

Are you looking for a job or fancy a career change?

H&F works flyer detailing what is written on the webpage

H&F Works Flyer

Our free employment services exist to support local residents and connect you to employers with opportunities to work for major companies and household brands.

For more information, contact Lesley by email at lesley.grant@lbhf.gov.uk, or call 0208 753 6548 or 07795 267151.

Or visit H&F Works’ website.

H&F Works can support your needs with:

  • current vacancies
  • apprenticeships
  • work experience
  • support finding training courses
  • interview tips
  • CV advice.

We can refer you to our partner organisations if you need bespoke support.

H&F Works visit the Macbeth Centre every Tuesday from 10am to 3pm. Pop by for in-person, one to one help on everything from CVs to interview prep.

Are you an employer looking for help?

We offer a free and bespoke recruitment service to help employers find and retain the best talent.

We help employers to be cost effective and time efficient in their recruitment process. We will make sure your vacancies are filled by talented people who will grow with you, contribute, and add value to your company.

How can H&F Works help you?

  • Screen and qualify candidates, identifying competencies and characteristics that match your brand
  • Advertise your vacancies through various channels to increase candidate interest and visibility for your vacancies
  • Provide a dedicated Relationship Manager so you always have one named point of contact
  • Provide information, advice and guidance on apprenticeships and staff training
  • Word of mouth advertising

More information

See H&F Works website

Armed Forces Covenant and Defence Employer Recognition Scheme

We are committed to supporting the Armed Forces, Reserves, Veterans, and their families through all aspects of their employment. We are proud to be a signatory of the Armed Forces Covenant - a pledge to ensure that those who serve or have served and their families are treated fairly, and to support the forces through services, policy and projects. This applies to jobs at the council as well as accessing support from the H&F Works team for external opportunities. 

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