Help to get a job

Organisations which can help you find work and training including H&F Works.

Search for a job

Careers at H&F

Careers in H&F schools

H&F Works

Find a job - GOV.UK

Local Government jobs from Jobsgopublic

Indeed - job search

Monster Jobs - find a job today

NHS jobs

Support for job seekers

H&F Works

If you’re looking for work and live in Hammersmith & Fulham, H&f Works could help. We are dedicated to supporting all our residents to access opportunities. 

What do we do?

  • One-to-one advice and guidance towards finding work
  • Connect residents to jobs and apprenticeships within H&F and across London
  • Help you access work experience
  • Interview tips and practice
  • CVs and cover letters support / advice and guidance 
  • Support to access training and skills to prepare you for employment or change your career
  • Access to specialist support if you have housing needs, health related needs or other barriers which are stopping you from gaining employment. We can refer you to our partner organisations if you need bespoke support

Who can we help?

We can help you if you are:

  • A Hammersmith & Fulham resident 
  • Aged 16 or over
  • Have the right to work in the UK 

Contact H&F Works

Please use our contact form Contact H&F Works

Other organisations that can help

Social Care and Further Education Pathways - Shaw Trust

The Shaw Trust is a free, voluntary service. The programme supports young people over 18 years old with SEND or social care needs to improve their well-being and find meaningful employment. Carers or family members of someone with these needs can also participate in the programme. The organisation also provides support for SEND students in colleges to transition into working life. You need to be living in the borough and not in work. 

To apply please complete the referral form on the website or contact 0808 134 6215 or

National Careers Service - GOV.UK

The National Careers Service can provide information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.

Construction careers

If you have been considering a career in the built environment, Hammersmith & Fulham is working on regeneration projects across the borough and creating jobs for residents. 

Work, earn, learn and progress in a career in construction management, civil engineering and construction trades. H&F, in partnership with developers and training providers, are combining accredited training with local jobs.

To explore and start a career in the built environment, you can find opportunities through an apprenticeship, accredited training combined with work experience, or higher education courses.

For support and advice in starting and applying for a career in the built environment or with a specific vacancy, contact H&F Works.

Training and work experience in construction - West London College

Careers in construction - GOV.UK

Careers advice and support for students, parents and carers and schools

H&F Works can provide information, advice and guidance to residents in secondary education, schools leavers, parents and carers and schools regarding the below pathways:

  • Apprenticeships
  • Traineeships
  • Internships 
  • Supported Internships 
  • Volunteering 
  • Work experience 

Please use our contact form at Contact H&F Works to discuss any of the above.

Help from GOV.UK

Other resources

  • Let me Play (insert particular programmes)
  • Spark Education
  • Construction Youth Trust
  • U-Explore
  • Founders4Schools

Advice centres

We are sorry, our advice centres in Uxbridge Road and Avonmore library are only offering face-to-face appointments for clients needing debt advice. Please see ways to access Citizens Advice services

Citizens Advice Hammersmith & Fulham

Contact Citizens Advice H&F for free, confidential and impartial advice services, including debt and welfare benefits advice. 

  • For any new problem (except debt): 0300 330 1162 (Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm)
  • For new enquiries about debt only 0800 808 5810 (10am to 5pm)
  • For a food bank voucher please call the Help Through Hardship dedicated service on 0808 208 2138 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
  • Help to claim Universal Credit number 0800 144 8 444 (new claims only)
  • If you are already being helped with a problem and you wish to contact your advisor: 020 7386 9068 (10am to 3pm)

Visit the Citizens Advice H&F website to find out more about drop-in services at Avonmore Library and in Shepherds Bush.

Disabled access at Hammersmith & Fulham Citizens Advice

The centre has:

  • street level access, with level access throughout the ground floor
  • full wheelchair toilet facilities
  • an induction loop at reception

St Paul’s Money Advice Centre

If you have a debt with Hammersmith & Fulham Council such as council tax arrears or housing benefit overpayments, contact:

020 8746 5265

St Paul’s Money Advice Centre
Queen Caroline Street
W6 9PJ

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