Estate inspection White City Estate (Phipps, Baird and Durban houses) Q2 - 2024 to 2025

Inspection date
2 July 2024
Next inspection date
24 September 2024


Mahamed Mahamoud

Estate compliance team

Kandace Powell

Contract monitoring team

Jeetash Bhandari


Julie O’Neil

Housing management (for example ASB, tenancy condition and concerns)

Responsible officer
Mahamed Mahamoud
Contact details
Housing management actions
Action requested Location of issue Reference Target date
Plants to be removed Phipps House Block B – outside flat 9 Not given Not given
White child bike, silver child bike, filled cardboard box Phipps House Block B – outside flat Not given 09 July 2024
Ground maintenance – overgrown vegetation to be trimmed Ground maintenance – overgrown vegetation to be trimmed Idverde/ECO 02 August 2024
Ground floor buggy to be collected for storage Phiipps House Block C ECO Not given
Bike black to be removed Phipps House Block D: Outside flats 42/43 ECO Not given
Blue bike to be removed Phipps House Block D: Outside flat 44 ECO Not given
Washing machine to be removed Phipps House Block E: Outside flat 121 ECO Not given
Buggy, yellow child bike, scooter, black child bike Phipps House Block E: Outside flat 98 ECO Not given


Responsible officer
Jeetash Bhandari
Contact details
Repair requests
Action requested Location of issue Reference Target date
GF metal missing – same panel on door to be fixed Phipps House Block D Not given 07 August 2024
Renew broken paving slabs Phipps House Block A: Opposite parking bay 182 007011 02 August 2024
Lift and rebed paving slabs,renew broken paving slabs Phipps House Block A: Opposite parking bay 176 007011/007007 02 August 2024
Lift and rebed paving slabs, renew broken slabs Phipps House Block B: Opposite parking bay 168 007011/007007 02 August 2024
Renew rubber seal to hopper Phipps House Block B second floor 463001 02 August 2024
Refit nosing to steps Phipps House Block C first floor stairwell 432905 02 August 2024
Overhaul hopper. No power to locks Baird House Block A first floor. Block A M.E.D Outside flat 7 463001 02 August 2024
Lift and rebed paving slabs Baird House: Outside flat 7 AJS 02 August 2024
Lift and rebed paving slabs Barird House Block B outside bin store 007007 02 August 2024

Planned or cyclical works

No actions requested

Grounds maintenance

No actions requested

Pinnacle caretaking

Responsible officer
Julie O’Neil
Contact details
Pinnacle caretaking actions
Action requested Location of issue Reference Target date
High and low level cleaning Phipps House – A block throughout. Phipps House – B block throughout. Baird House - throughout Not given 02 August 2024

Other areas (for example street lighting, highways or planning)

No actions requested

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