Estate inspection Sulivan Court (Blocks A to L) Q1 - 2024 to 2025

Inspection date
15 May 2024
Next inspection date
14 August 2024


Ian Stewart

Housing Officer (Sands End)

Stephen Mbaluka

Pinnacle (Caretaking)

Dan Bitmead


Housing management (for example ASB, tenancy condition and concerns)

No actions requested


Responsible officer
Tom Hall
Contact details
Repair requests
Action requested Location of issue Reference Target date
Renew metal trunking lid to left of flat 451 Block A (444-484) 851101 x 1 Not given
Concrete kerb on flower bed outside main door to block damaged Block D (13-18) 001105 x 1 Not given
Communal door on 1st floor not closing Block D (19-24) 327101 x 1 Not given
Light switch in intake cupboard broken Block E (45-64) 861011 x 1 Not given
Unblock drain outside ground floor bin room Block J (334-351) 039003 x 1 Not given
Refix chute hopper between 6th and 7th floor stairs Block L (372-395) 463001 x 1 Not given
Drop key not working to main entry door. Pass to AJS Block L (418-443) Not given Not given

Planned or cyclical works

No actions requested

Grounds maintenance

No actions requested

Pinnacle caretaking

No actions requested

Other areas (for example street lighting, highways or planning)

No actions requested

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