Estate inspection St Peters Terrace Q3 - 2023 to 2024

Inspection date
28 November 2023
Next inspection date
28 February 2024


Sharon Bruce-Tagoe

Housing Management

Tom Hall


Daniel Roberts

Pinnacle (Caretaking)

Housing management (for example ASB, tenancy condition and concerns)

Responsible officer
Sharon Bruce-Tagoe

No actions requested


Responsible officer
Tom Hall
Contact details
Repair requests
Action requested Location of issue Reference Target date
Remove rest of wall and make good Outside flat 27A 1405147/1 29 January 2024
Refit light fitting leading towards main entrance door Ramp 1405151/1 29 January 2024
Fit fire exit sign to gate Exit gate leading to Kilmaine Road 1405153/1 29 January 2024

Planned or cyclical works

No actions requested

Grounds maintenance

No actions requested

Pinnacle caretaking

Responsible officer
Daniel Roberts

No actions requested

Other areas (for example street lighting, highways or planning)

No actions requested

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