Estate inspection Riverside Gardens Q2 - 2023 to 2024

Inspection date
14 September 2023
Next inspection date
14 December 2023


Andre Moses

Neighbourhood Services

Karen James

Contract monitoring team

David Magee


Eric Jusu

Pinnacle (Caretaking)

Housing management (for example ASB, tenancy condition and concerns)

Responsible officer
Andre Moses
Contact details
Housing management actions
Action requested Location of issue Reference Target date
Items in communal areas Block A (flats 1 to 11) and Block C (flats 24 to 34) Not given 21 September 2023


Responsible officer
David Magee
Contact details
Repair requests
Action requested Location of issue Reference Target date
Ground floor above number 1 renew hasp and staple plus lock Block A (1 to 11) 1365933 / 1 14 November 2023
First floor no smoking sign missing Block A (1 to 11) 1365925 / 1 14 November 2023
Re-bed two manhole covers outside MED Block B (12 to 23) 1365935 / 1 14 November 2023
Ground floor renew step nosing on 5th step and refix the one on 3rd step Block B (12 to 23) 1365937 / 1 14 November 2023
Renew gully cover on the RHS of MED Block B (12 to 23) 1365941 / 1 14 November 2023
Put a no smoking sign on the LHS of ground floor lobby to cover glue patch and renew no smoking signs on the top two floors (small ones) Block C (24 to 34) 1365943 / 1 14 November 2023
Outside MED remedy trip hazard to drain cover which is raised Block D (35 to 43) 1366345 / 1 14 November 2023
Ease and adjust MED which is sticking open Block F (56 to 63) 1366346 / 1 14 November 2023
Trip hazard in the corner on the left next to the MED. Level flooring to brick Block G (64 to 75) 1366347 / 1 14 November 2023
Level flooring under brin room door Block I (88 to 99) 1366352 / 1 14 November 2023
RHS of MED re-bed manhole cover Block J (100 to 107) 1366358 / 1 14 November 2023
Renew lock to intake cupboard Block U (84 to 87) 1366360 / 1 14 November 2023
Outside MED and remedy trip hazard Block L (116 to 123) 1366365/1 14 November 2023
Renew ‘Fire Door Keep Closed’ to intake cupboard on ground floor. Level ground outside MED Block O (144 to 151) 1366370 / 1 14 November 2023
Level flooring outside of MED Block P (152 to 163) 1366381 / 1 14 November 2023
Renew Perspex x3 on MED.New no smoking sign on left of MED to cover glue patch Block P (152 to 163) 1366374 / 1 14 November 2023
Repair lock to high level electric cupboard on ground floor lobby Block Q (165 to 171) 1366382 / 1 14 November 2023
Rear exit ground floor step needs levelling Block R (172 to 179) 1366384 / 1 14 November 2023
Fix lock to intake cupboard Block R (172 to 179) 1366385/1 14 November 2023

Planned or cyclical works

No actions requested

Grounds maintenance

No actions requested

Pinnacle caretaking

No actions requested

Other areas (for example street lighting, highways or planning)

No actions requested

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