Sheltered housing forum

The Sheltered Housing Forum is a consultative body between the housing department and its sheltered housing tenants to preserve and promote the wellbeing of sheltered housing tenants.

The forum considers all aspects of the landlord’s sheltered housing service and makes recommendations to the landlord and to the council's Cabinet Member for Housing & Homelessness. 

The aims of the sheltered housing forum are to:

  • Consider and comment on housing proposals and programmes related to sheltered housing.
  • Consult with sheltered housing tenants on all matters affecting the management of the sheltered schemes within the borough.
  • Consult whenever necessary with other local organisations.
  • Promote the participation of sheltered housing tenants to elect  representatives who are accountable to their tenants and authorised to speak on their behalf.
  • Review sheltered housing performance.
  • Help us to understand priority areas when developing and agreeing sheltered housing policies. 

Key facts

  • Six meetings take place each year in January, March, May, July, September and November (Annual General Meeting).  
  • Meetings take place in person and sometimes there is the option of viewing the meeting online as a live stream webinar.
  • Membership to the forum is by election at each sheltered housing scheme.
  • Tenant representatives are elected on an annual basis.
  • Commitment of at least 12 months. 

More information

Find out more about the sheltered housing representative role.

Read our terms of reference.

Contact us

Contact the resident involvement team on 020 8753 6652 or email

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