Investment Group

This is a group of residents work in partnership to assess and evaluate resident-led bids for improvements and allocate funding to projects.

This is a group of residents who work in partnership with the Resident Involvement team to assess and evaluate resident-led bids for environmental improvements and allocate funding to projects.  

The group is passionate about bringing unused and unloved communal spaces on council housing land back into use and see that they become cherished parts of the community.

The aims of the Investment Group are to:

  • review and consider funding applications for environmental improvements  
  • provide accountability, transparency and value for money in terms of reviewing and considering funding applications
  • ensure that funding to deliver projects through the council’s approved contractors is awarded where it is most needed.

Projects can include but are not limited to:

  • community growing gardens
  • herb gardens
  • landscaping, re-wilding and increasing biodiversity in H&F
  • green roofs
  • tree and hedgerow planting
  • play areas
  • ball courts
  • outdoor gyms.

The group cannot agree to any projects with ongoing oncosts.

The group will consider security enhancement bids, such as railings and gates, but these must be delivered in conjunction with greening and environmental improvements. For example, railings to protect a green space.

Interested in submitting a bid to improve an area where you live? 

Please visit Make an environmental improvement bid

Key facts

  • 4 meetings a year, usually held in person.
  • You will be asked to become a member of the group and make a commitment of at least 12 months.
  • You need to be able to spare at least 3 hours, 6 times per year.

More information

For more information view the investment group terms of reference.

Minutes for Investment Group meetings are available upon request.

Interested in joining us?

Sign up to get involved with the investment group or other resident involvement groups.

Sign up today!

Contact us if you have ideas for green projects in your area. We’d love to talk through your ideas. 

Contact us

Contact the Resident Involvement team on 020 8753 6652 or email

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