Housing and estate services working group

The resident involvement team sometimes carry out surveys to ask you for your opinions on our services and how you think we could improve them.

The housing and estate services working group plays a major part in improving estate services across our estates including caretaking, cleaning and grounds maintenance services that residents see on a daily basis in their communities. The group also looks at housing management services and contributes to improvements to this service. 

Help us to work in partnership with our contractors to improve and develop standards and performance.

The aims of the group are to:

  • monitor the performance of cleaning services, grounds maintenance, communal repairs, and housing management
  • provide recommendations for improvements
  • promote better joint working and communications between service providers
  • develop and improve the estate inspection process
  • provide an opportunity for tenants and leaseholders to challenge and question council officers and contractors to make sure estate services are of the highest standard.

For more information view the housing and estate services working group terms of reference.

Key facts

  • 6 meetings a year, usually held in person.
  • You will be asked to become a member of the group and make a commitment of at least 12 months.
  • You need to be able to spare at least 3 hours per month, 8 times a year.

Interested in joining us?

Sign up to get involved with the housing and estate services working group or other resident involvement groups.

Sign up today!

Contact us

Contact the resident involvement team on 020 8753 6652 or email GetInvolved@lbhf.gov.uk

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