Fire, building safety and repairs working group

The Fire, Building Safety and Repairs Working Group (FRAG) work closely with us on all aspects of fire and building safety and compliance, including work to deliver the fire safety plus programme, as well as on our repairs improvement programme.  

The aims of the group are to:

Operate on behalf of tenants and leaseholders, to advise and make recommendations on the delivery of the fire safety, building compliance, repairs and capital works.  

Promote cross service working between the council and contractors to ensure that residents receive high performing fire safety, building compliance, repairs and capital works services.  

Advise and make recommendations on the delivery of the fire safety plus programme.

Ensure residents are empowered to play an effective role in ensuring their building is, and continues to be, safe.

Work with officers and contractors to communicate information relating to fire safety, building compliance, repairs and capital works to TRAs and residents.

Provide an opportunity for tenants and leaseholders to challenge and question Council officers and contractors to enable continuous improvement in services.  

Key facts  

  • The group is open to all tenants and leaseholders who live in a property managed by H&F.  
  • Six meetings take place each year in January, March, May, July, September and November (Annual General Meeting).  
  • Meetings take place in person and sometimes there is the option of joining the meeting online.  
  • Chaired by a resident group member.
  • Chair and Vice Chair are elected on an annual basis.  
  • Commitment of at least 12 months.  
  • Participation required for up to three hours for each month that the meetings take place in.  

More information

For more information view terms of reference.

Group minutes are available on request. 

Interested in joining us?

Sign up to get involved with the fire, building safety and repairs working group or other resident involvement groups.

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Contact us

Contact the resident involvement team on 020 8753 6652 or email

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