Stepping Stones Nursery School

Provider type
Day nursery

At Stepping Stones, we believe that childhood, particularly the early years, is a very precious time. Our philosophy is that, in order for children to succeed and be successful in whatever they decide to pursue, they need to be healthy, happy, secure and have a defined sense of feeling valued.

As a nursery school, we have the privileged and possibly unique opportunity to combine our children’s natural state of development-that is, their genuinely uninhibited curiosity to explore and to ask questions without a fear of ‘getting it wrong’.

Through our planned teaching activities which allow children to ‘learn through doing’ and for them to feel able to offer ideas or explanations that value their own ideas, we aim to instil in our children a love for learning and self-confidence in themselves as individuals. Our over-riding aim is that our approach will help prepare children for transition to primary school and eventually for life. As teachers, we have a duty to instil in children a love for learning which we sincerely hope will stay with the children into adulthood.

2 Year funded places:

As an independent nursery, we require additional termly fees for 2 year funded places to cover our extra services which include high staff/child ratios, our facilities, activities led by specialist peripatetic teachers & any additional hours over 15 hrs if applicable. We are therefore unable to offer fully funded places.

Funded places

2 year old funding
3 and 4 year old funding (15 hours)
3 and 4 year old funding (30 hours)

Other information

This provider is registered with Ofsted.
Ofsted number

View the Ofsted reports for this provider

Ofsted inspections
Date Type Overall judgement
14 January 2013 Inspection (Early Years Register) Outstanding
14 November 2019 Inspection (Early Years Register) Outstanding


Contact name
Antonia Vance
Phone number
020 8811 1646


Stepping Stones Nursery School
7 Gayford Road
W12 9BY
  • A personal assistant can be arranged to give extra support for a child with additional needs
  • Toilet suitable for wheelchair users
  • There are baby changing facilities
  • Ofsted registered
  • Suitable for children with special educational needs
  • Changing room with changing bench
  • Suitable for an individual with hearing impairment
  • Dietary needs catered for

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