St Simons Play Cafe

Every fortnight on Thursday morning during school term time, St Simon's hosts a multitude of pre-school children with their parents and carers for Play Café. The chairs are cleared to one side and our church becomes a welcoming play area for children - and a time for parents and carers to relax and chat.

Please join us from 9:30-11:00am for tea and coffee, homemade cake, play, as well as a bible story and singing time.

For more information about St Simons Play Cafe, click here. Please check with the organisation before you drop in.


Fortnightly on Thursdays, 9:30am to 11am (please check before)


Contact name
St Simons Cafe
Phone number
020 7603 4879
Email address


St Simons Church
Rockley Road
W14 0DA

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