Speech Link Multimedia Ltd

Schools use our online serviced packages, Language Link and Speech Link, to identify and support children with mild to moderate speech or language difficulties. The assessments, resources and support are designed by speech and language therapists and specialist teachers.

We know that the best indicator of how a child will cope with school is their understanding and use of spoken language. The standardised assessment identifies pupils with difficulties understanding core language skills. Over 160,000 children were screened in 2017/18 using our packages. Identified pupils receive a targeted programme of interventions. The classroom strategies, small group interventions and 1-1 supplementary teaching sessions make the best use of a TA's time and expertise.

Teacher engagement ratings and parent and pupil views support evidence of improvement, essential for Ofsted and the Pupil Premium.

For a week’s free trial, visit our website www.speechandlanguage.info, email office2@speechlink.co.uk or phone 0333 577 0784.

Supporting people with

  • Learning difficulty
  • Communication impairment

Age range

4 to 14 years old

Cost description

The prices of our packages vary depending on which package the school would like and how many students are in the school. Please contact the Help Desk at office2@speechlink.co.uk for more information.


Contact name
Judith McMillan
Contact position
Office Manager
Phone number
0333 577 0784
Email address


Canterbury Innovation Centre
Canterbury Innovation Centre
University Road

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