Road safety - cycling and walking to school

The council encourages children to learn about road safety from an early age. Transport for London's Children's Traffic Club helps parents introduce their pre-school children to road safety with a series of six books (one is posted to members every six months). To register your child in the Children's Traffic Club, please email

Our Road Safety Officers visit infant, junior and secondary schools throughout the borough to raise awareness of road safety and provide training. We also recruit pupils to be Junior Road Safety Officers. They are sent information packs by Transport for London that feature fun ways for them and their friends to learn about road safety. To enrol your school in our road safety training programme, please email

Information for schools:

Many senior schools insist on their pupils having gained a formal cycling qualification before allowing them to cycle to school. We offer cycle training to our junior schools' Year 5 and 6 pupils. Children who take part and pass the test at the end will be awarded a National Cycling Certificate. The courses are often important for achieving targets set out in School Travel Plans. To find out more about cycle training, and, if you are the nominated member of staff responsible for cycle training liason at your school, please note the following:

After submission and approval of the School Travel Plan, primary schools can obtain free cycle training for up to twelve Year Five or Year Six pupils. In order that we can meet demand from as many of our junior schools as possible, courses need to be booked as early in the school year as possible. If additional funding becomes available schools can apply for subsequent courses.

For fuller cycle training information and to book a course, contact Cycling Instructors Ltd, the borough's cycle training provider:


Email address


Hammersmith & Fulham Town Hall
King Street
W6 9JU

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