Rivercourt Short Breaks Service (18+)

What does this service do?

The service is supportive of family life and enables people to remain living at home. Rivercourt introduces opportunities and variety for social interaction for customers, and offers a dynamic programme that is person centred. The service enables families to spend time with other family members, and to have time and space to pursue their own interests. Short Breaks are about having a break from your family and them having a break from you. We take the view that within the principles of everyday life we all expect to have activities, social contact and time away from the people we spend most time with.

Who is this service available to?

Rivercourt is a registered home that will offer a short break to adult persons over 18 years who have a learning disability.

Download the Rivercourt short breaks service guide (PDF, 1.4MB)


Contact name
Angela Mooney
Contact position
Registered Manager
Phone number
020 8563 8683


The Rivercourt Short-Breaks Service
17 Rivercourt Project
Rivercourt Road
W6 9LD

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