Primary-Secondary Transition and Transfer Team

The Transition Team aims to provide all Year 6 pupils with support in preparing for the move from primary to secondary school. The team consists of six Transition Learning Mentors (TLMs) and a centrally based Team Co-ordinator.

TLMs have each been allocated seven primary schools that he / she is required to work with throughout the school year. The service is delivered in consultation with primary school staff. Examples include whole class transition workshops, anti-bullying workshops, small group support in areas such as self esteem, social skills, organisation, behaviour, study skills and 1:1 support where appropriate.

A Transition board game has been developed and is a highly popular way of addressing issues relating to transfer.

TLMs also support Year 7 students in their base schools in a variety of ways including in class support, group and 1:1 sessions. .

To support this, primary staff are asked to complete Transition Pupil Profiles for these pupils that are recorded centrally and the information passed on to the secondary schools as soon as places are confirmed. Secondary staff can then use the information to assist planning for the new intake.

The Transition Team also provides an independent Choice Advice service to parents / carers who have difficulty engaging in the process of applying for secondary schools.

Cost description

There is no cost to schools for this service.


Contact name
Gemma Powell
Contact position
Transition Team Leader
Phone number
020 8753 2980


Inclusion Services
School Improvement and Standards Division
Cambridge House
Cambridge Grove
W6 0LE

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