Playdays Nursery (Comeragh Road)

Provider type
Day nursery

At Playdays our aim is to help each child to reach the highest degree of independence and confidence, as well as to discover their own strengths academically and creatively, and to pave the way for them to go on to be happy and inquisitive at school.

The children are generally separated into groups being Baby and Toddler, with the Pre-school room being located in our sister branch in Comeragh Road.

By doing this at an early stage of a child’s life, we believe that it enables the child to develop at his or her own pace whilst being with other children of the same age.

Some of the activities we offer include French, swimming, music & movement art, craft, sensory, sand and water play, and not forgetting outdoor activities. Our aim is to provide each child with the confidence to excel!

Age range

2.5 to 5 years old


Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

Cost description

Please contact nursery directly for information regarding fees

10% sibling discount

Funded places

3 and 4 year old funding (15 hours)
3 and 4 year old funding (30 hours)

Other information

This provider is registered with Ofsted.
Ofsted number

View the Ofsted reports for this provider

Ofsted inspections
Date Type Overall judgement
20 June 2007 Integrated Good
28 February 2011 Inspection (Early Years Register) Good
18 April 2016 Inspection (Early Years Register) Outstanding
29 January 2020 Inspection (Early Years Register) Outstanding


Contact name
Playdays Nursery
Phone number
020 7385 1955


Playdays Nursery
Playdays Nursery
45 Comeragh Road
W14 9HT
  • A qualified first-aider is on site
  • There are baby changing facilities
  • Ofsted registered
  • Suitable for children with special educational needs
  • Dietary needs catered for

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