Pippa Pop-ins

Provider type
Day nursery

We have four Nursery Schools in London, all of which provide a wonderful start to a child’s education. Our children are taught by experienced teachers, who give each child the best opportunity to develop both holistically and academically through the benefit of small classes and an enriching curriculum.

We ensure that all our children benefit from varied and well-directed early learning opportunities through their involvement in a wide range of practical and educational activities. This is supplemented with the support of one-to-one teaching, directed at each child’s specific educational requirements and wellbeing

Supporting people with

  • Autism
  • Communication impairment
  • Hearing impairment
  • Learning difficulty
  • Visual impairment

Age range

1 to 5 years old


Monday to Thursday, 8am to 6pm

Funded places

3 and 4 year old funding (15 hours)

Other information

This provider is registered with Ofsted.
Ofsted number

View the Ofsted reports for this provider

Ofsted inspections
Date Type Overall judgement
23 January 2013 Inspection (Early Years Register) Outstanding
08 January 2020 Inspection (Early Years Register) Outstanding


Contact name
Pippa Pop-ins
Phone number
020 7731 1445
Email address


Pippa Pop-ins
430 Fulham Road
  • A personal assistant can be arranged to give extra support for a child with additional needs
  • A qualified first-aider is on site
  • Changing room with changing bench
  • Dietary needs catered for
  • Ofsted registered
  • Sensory play opportunities
  • Suitable for an individual with hearing impairment
  • Suitable for an individual with vision impairment
  • Suitable for children with special educational needs
  • There are baby changing facilities

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