Physical disability services

The health and disability social work service assesses and provides services for people from the age of 18 who:

- have a permanent physical disability and/or long-term medical condition which affects their ability to manage their daily lives.
- rely on others for help with day-to-day activities.

The service is made up of trained professionals and specialist workers who are committed to encouraging, helping and safeguarding people to live as independently as possible.

Assessing your needs

There are different degrees of physical disability, so the type and amount of help needed varies. For this reason an assessment is carried out to ensure that the appropriate services are arranged. This is an opportunity for you to discuss your needs and to enable the worker to assess the right level of support for you.

Some of the services that may be offered after assessment:

- equipment to help you manage in your own home
- information about services and activities available locally
- practical help with interpreting letters and phone calls, reading and telling the time
- support from a social worker
- referrals to other services such as meals on wheels or home helps
- training advice on mobility to increase confidence and safety both at home and outside
- referral to voluntary agencies
- advice on housing, income and employment, getting out and about,
education and training opportunities
- direct payments. (Cash payments for qualifying people to buy care services independently)


Phone number
020 3080 0589


Physical disability services team
147 Stevenage Road

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