People Unite Booster School

People Unite offer sessions for children from Key Stages 1 & 2, covering National Curriculum requirements in English, Maths and Science.
All teachers are qualified in their subjects and there will be special guest speakers on Fridays. Teach Reading, Writing, Maths, Homework Support (Science), Family Fridays.

Supplementary schools are staffed by dedicated professional teachers, parents and volunteers who may be in work, studying or looking after their children, so contacting them by phone during work hours may not always be possible. We suggest that the best way to register with a school is to visit it while it is in session.

If you have any difficulties in getting in touch with a supplementary school, contact the Supplementary Schools? Coordinator at the Community & Voluntary Sector Association on 020 8748 6345


Phone number
020 7385 5383
020 7385 4094


Gibbs Green Tenants Hall
Diepple Close
W14 9NN

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