NHS Healthy Weight Service

The CLCH Tier Two Healthy Weight Service offers support for families of children 0-19 years old of an unhealthy weight.

They help with lifestyle and weight management to enable children and young people obtain and maintain a healthy weight. 

What they offer

  • One-to-one support sessions via telephone, face-to-face or online, with the child and parents/guardians
  • Support with lifestyle changes to support children to grow into a healthier weight or maintain a healthy weight, rather than lose weight
  • Support regarding diet, physical activity and behaviour change

Who they see

  • Families living in Hammersmith and Fulham with a child who meets the below criteria:
    Under 2 years old: weight 2 centiles above length centile
  • From 2 years old: BMI >91st centile or BMI >98th centile with no comorbidity/complex needs
  • ·Referrals accepted by professionals including social care, health, schools, voluntary and community sector youth services and self referrals from parents/guardians

Contact details

Infants aged 0-5 years who live

Children attending school who live


Contact with family referred within 5 working days and first appointment arranged if support accepted.


Contact name
See details above for relevant contact email address

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