Newborn Hearing Screening Programme

NHSP runs courses for all those involved in the support of deaf children, including audiologists, physicians, teachers of the deaf and parents. NHSP Training & Consultancy run many courses, which are grouped by their underpinning themes: - Family Support and Empowering Families; 'How are we doing?' - Partnership with families in the planning and evaluation of services - 'Working for families' - Empowering the parent and professional relationship - 'Sharing The News' - Supporting and empowering families through effective communication-Multi-agency Working - 'Effective multi-disciplinary team working' - What does it look like? What does it feel like for families? '- Establishing and Running an Effective Children's Hearing Services Working Group' (CHSWG) - Healthcare - 'Hearing Aid Fitting in Very Young Children' 0 to 6 months '- Electrophysiological measurements in young children' - 'Using the Early Support Monitoring Protocol to Enhance Audiological Practice' - Early Education and Social Care - 'Meeting New Challenges: The development of the deaf child 0-9 months' - 'Every Deaf Child Matters' Meeting the challenges of hearing impairment in the early years - Informed Choice - 'Helping Families Choose' - Informed choice from theory into practice - Early Support - 'Early Support Monitoring Protocol for Deaf Babies and Young Children' -Early Support Service Audit Tool' An introduction to developing your service - 'Working in Partnership through Early Support' Non-accredited and Accredited versions


Phone number
0161 275 8572


NHSP Training and Consultancy
MRC Hearing and Communication Group
University of Manchester
A Blo Floor
Ellen Wilkinson Building
M13 9PL

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