Music House For Children

The Music House for Children has been nurturing musical creativity for over two decades.At The Music House for Children lessons are taught through observation, participation, celebration and debate. Classes, concerts, shows and workshops are constantly refreshed and exciting. Trained music educators help support children from babies to teenagers to develop as independent thinking, artistic and musical beings.Our school has a studio, teaching rooms and concert hall. Families and young people enjoy a range of regular musical activities including year-round workshops, lessons and performances.Our lessons start with Newborn Music, this class is for 0-1 years old; Wednesday at 11:30We then have Music and Movement for 1 - 3 years old.Wednesday at 9:45 and then 10:30Friday at 9:45 and then 10:30


All the sessions above are drop in and no registration is required, lessons are 35 minutes and priced at £8.


We then have Music Appreciation for 3 - 4 years old.


Wednesday and Thursday at 4pm.


This class is 45 minutes, registration is required and lessons are £12 per lesson.


We then move on to Piano Appreciation and Violin Appreciation for 4 - 5 years old.


Piano App, Tuesday, Wednesday at 4:45pm, Saturday at 11:15am


Violin App, Tuesday at 4pm and Saturday at 10:30am.


Lessons are 45 minutes, registration is required and lessons are £14 per class.


We also have Percussion Appreciation for 4 - 6 years old.


This is on Friday at 4:45pm, 45 minutes, and priced at £14 per class.


Are final age group is 5+ for Piano, Violin, Guitar.


Piano, Monday - Friday at 4pm and 4:45pm and Saturday at 11 and 11:45pm


Violin on Thursday at 4pm


Guitar on Monday at 4pm


Lessons are 45 minutes, registration is required and priced at £14 per class.


For all registration required lessons full payment for the term is to be paid to secure your child’s place in the class.

Cost description

£8 drop in classes


Phone number
020 8932 2652


Bush Hall
306-310 Uxbridge Road
W12 7LT

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