Macbeth Centre

The Macbeth Centre is an adult education hub based just off King Street near the Town Hall.

We have a huge range of classes and courses which can help you to develop new skills; find employment; further your career; gain a qualification; share an interest or attend solely for personal pleasure and enjoyment.

Our courses are taught by skilled staff who have a well-deserved reputation for their enthusiasm and experience and the many thousands of adults attending our courses, bear out our success in providing learning opportunities at a competitive price and to a high standard.

Our provision aims to support learners into higher level courses, work, supported employment and to have an active life in the community. Why not start your learning journey with us?

Our team have a huge amount of experience and knowledge of working with people with learning difficulties and disabilities, and work closely alongside learners and their families and support staff to overcome barriers to learning and give the best positive learning environment for every learner. Learners are encouraged to work independently and helped to find a process that enables them to do the work for themselves.

Please pop into the Macbeth Centre or visit the H&F Adult Learning and Skills website.

Take a look through our courses and get in touch to book an initial interview. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Supporting people with

  • Autism
  • Hearing impairment
  • Mental health conditions
  • Learning difficulty
  • Communication impairment
  • Physical impairment
  • Visual impairment

Find us online


Phone number
0845 839 7912


Macbeth Centre
Macbeth Street
W6 9JJ

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