Learning Disability Partnership Board

What does this service do?


The Learning Disability Partnership Board is a 3-borough project aiming to get the voices of people with learning disabilities heard by commissioners, councillors and the borough’s Learning Disability team. We hope that through this services, opportunities and quality of life for people with learning disabilities will be improved.


The Partnership Board is a self-advocacy project. This means that we work hard to support people with learning disabilities to speak up for themselves and to improve life for themselves and other people with learning disabilities across the 3-boroughs.


The project workers equip representatives with learning disabilities with the skills and confidence to present their concerns, ideas and hopes to councillors, commissioners and Learning Disability Services.


We focus on topics and issues that are deemed a priority by people with learning disabilities themselves – they set the agenda and we work to support them in getting their voices heard about the issues that are important for them.


Who is this service available to?


The project is available to all people with learning disabilities over the age of 16 years old.


When is this service available?


The full meeting of the Partnership Board takes place 4 times a year. However, the co-ordinators in each borough organise consultations and forums throughout the year. We run these consultations and forums so that we can hear the voices of local people with learning disabilities.


Forums and consultations are the best way for you to get your voice or the voice of our service’s members heard.


If you want to get in contact with anyone about the Learning Disability Partnership Board then please get in touch with the co-ordinators in each borough (contact details below).


Contact name
Chris Blewitt
Phone number
020 8748 5168

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