IDL Literacy and Numeracy

IDL Literacy is a cloud based intervention software, specifically designed to help improve the reading and spelling ability of those with dyslexia and dyslexic tendencies. Many schools have also reported the benefit of using IDL with those who: are autistic, have visual differences, are EAL learners or struggling with reading and spelling in general. The program consists of over 1 000 lessons, which provide structured, sequential learning with a multi-sensory approach. Over 2 500 schools currently use our software nationally, and we recently scooped the NASEN Award for ‘Most Effective Resource/Technology’.

To complement the literacy program, we launched IDL Numeracy in September 2018, created to help pupils who find Maths difficult. It uses a similar methodology to IDL Literacy, and is mapped to the KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum.

The cost of IDL for schools starts at £399 + VAT for a multi user site licence - we also offer home user licences at a reduced rate for single/four users.

We provide FREE trials and demonstrations of both programs, so if you represent a school and would like to find out more, request a trial or demonstration, please visit our website: Alternatively, if you’d like to talk to someone in person, please contact me directly using the details provided below:

Supporting people with

  • Learning difficulty

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Contact name
Jackie Holding
Contact position
Intervention Advisor
Phone number
07917 712 007
01524 580 665
  • Suitable for children with special educational needs

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