i-MATTER Mentoring Programme

i-Matter will deliver one-to-one mentoring sessions, activities and workshops to promote personal development. In these sessions, you will develop communication skills, build your confidence, and your relationships for the next steps into a career, training or further education.

To be eligible for the programme, you must be:

  • a Hammersmith & Fulham resident
  • 16+ with a learning disability
  • available one day a week between 10am to 1pm

Active Successful Engagement (ASE) CIC is a Community Interest Company committed to strenghening families and transforming lives.

To apply, contact Pauline Zepherin at Paulinezepherin@asecic.org.uk or Sharon Watkins at sharonwatkins@asecic.org.uk

Alternatively, call 020 8058 1996

Supporting people with

  • Autism
  • Hearing impairment
  • Mental health conditions
  • Learning difficulty
  • Communication impairment
  • Physical impairment
  • Visual impairment


Phone number
020 3143 0209
Email address

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