Hammersmith and Fulham (H&F) Mencap

(H&F) Mencap is a person-centred, independent, and local charity. We work with children and adults with learning disabilities and/or autism, their parents and carers. We support them to have a voice, make choices and control their lives.

At (H&F) Mencap we believe people with a learning disability and/or autism have the right to live happy and healthy lives. Our role in achieving this goal is to promote social and community inclusion and campaigning for change. We are committed to listening to and being led by people with a learning disability and autism. 

Our offer includes:

  • An activity centre and support (MyLife out and about) for people over 18 with learning disability and/or autism from across London (with transition opportunities for 16+)
  • community advocacy services for H&F residents over 18 supporting people with learning disabilities and/or autism or profound and multiple disabilities and their families/carers
  • the Youth Development project for young people aged 13-25 with a learning disability and/or autism who live or go to school/college in the H&F area including an art club and a drama group, social education/digital projects and half-term and holiday programmes. 

H&F Mencap - My Life: Out and About

Activity centre and support (MyLife out and about) 

Mencap’s activity centre provides a safe and relaxed space for our members to socialise with their friends, gain independence skills and explore a variety of activities. 

The offer includes top-notch support packages tailored for those with learning disabilities and/or autism catering for different requirements: 

  • One-on-one support 
  • two-on-one support 
  • group support. 

You can access this service using a personal budget, other forms of direct payment or funding from your local authority. We are providing support to clients across Central and West London Boroughs.

For more information, please contact Manuel Moncayo at manuel.moncayo@hfmencap.org or by calling  07398509439

H&F Mencap - Advocacy

The Community Advocacy service 

The (H&F) Mencap advocacy services have been running since 1999. The advocacy service has since provided a voice for hundreds of residents, supporting individuals with a wide range of issues and challenges. 

Whilst HF Mencap may be best known for specialising in providing projects catering to people with learning disabilities and/or autism or profound and multiple disabilities and their families/carers, our community advocate is proudly funded to support a wider range of individuals over the age of 18 including people with mental health problems and/or with a brain injury, physical disabilities, sensory impairments (sight and hearing problems), a long-term illness, profound and multiple disabilities or complex health needs. We also support older people and people with dementia.  

The advocate can meet you at the HF Mencap offices which have disability access or appointments can be arranged in a place to suit your requirements.

This is a free-of-charge service.                                               

For more information, please contact Deborah David at  deborah.david@hfmencap.org or by calling 07496418892

H&F Mencap - Youth Development Project

The Youth Development Project (YDP)

The project focuses on skills development, self-advocacy and social inclusion.

Activities included: 

  • Art Club : Wednesday, 4 pm to 5 pm and 5 pm to 6.30 pm

  • Drama Group every Thursday, 5 pm to 6.30 pm

  • Social Education/Digital projects: Friday, 4 pm to 6:30 pm

  • Half-term and holiday programmes are provided for young people to have fun and socialise! Programmes are released in advance of each school holiday and are face-to-face. Sessions are available from Tuesday to Friday, with timings between 9 am and 6 pm, adjusted according to the activities planned for each day.

Group sessions are available for the activities, and in cases where a young person needs one-to-one support, they can join the sessions with their carer/support.

The Youth Development Project is free of charge to H&F residents and those who access education within H&F.

For more information, please contact Jolita Anupreviciute (YDP) Coordinator at  email:jolitaanupreviciute@hfmencap.org or by calling  0208 748 5168.

Supporting people with

  • Autism
  • Communication impairment
  • Hearing impairment
  • Learning difficulty
  • Mental health conditions
  • Physical impairment
  • Visual impairment


Monday to Saturday, 9am to 6pm

Cost description

The Community Advocacy is a free of charge service. The activities and support through the My life out and about service require payment. You can access support using a personal budget, other forms of direct payment or with funding from your local authority.

Find us online


Phone number
020 8748 5168
Email address


HF Mencap Activity Centre
99 Addison Gardens
W14 0DT
  • A qualified first-aider is on site
  • Building has wheelchair access
  • Changing room with changing bench and hoist
  • Communication aid such as Makaton in use
  • Outside play opportunities
  • Sensory room available
  • Suitable for an individual with hearing impairment
  • Suitable for an individual with vision impairment
  • Suitable for children with special educational needs
  • Toilet suitable for wheelchair users

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