Georgina Thompson - Childminding Service

Provider type

My Name is Georgina Thompson, I am an Ofsted registered childminder and a member of the Professional Association for Childcare and Early years (PACEY).

I believe that young children are educated through fun and play based educational activities. I understand providing a positive and safe environment is imperative and is vital in your decision when looking for a childminder. I encourage children to continue learning where self-respect and determination are supported, nurtured and enhanced.

Within my day care provision, I believe in the inclusion of all children. I hold a firm belief in diversity of cultures and all backgrounds. This will be implemented daily within my home and when out and about visiting places such as the park, museum and play groups.

I take responsibility for every aspect of a child's or children's well-being, care and development. This includes planning activities and outings appropriate to their age and interests, whilst tracking each child's learning and development.

I have various qualifications such as: (DTLLS) Teaching within the life long learning sector, this was achieved at Canterbury Christ University. Local Authority approved Childminding Pre-Registration course, Certificate in Food Safety and Hygiene for Catering and all compulsory qualifications in order to look after little ones.

Supporting people with

  • Learning difficulty

Age range

0 to 5 years old and 6 to 11 years old


Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 6pm

Cost description

£75 per day
More information available upon request

Funded places

2 year old funding
3 and 4 year old funding (30 hours)

Other information

This provider is registered with Ofsted.
Ofsted number

View the Ofsted reports for this provider

Ofsted inspections
Date Type Overall judgement
15 September 2021 Inspection (Early Years Register) Requires Improvement
14 September 2022 Re-inspection (Early Years Register) Good
✓ School pickups and drop offs are offered


Contact position
Phone number
07494 043 792


Georgina Thompson Childminding Service
Sinclair Road
W14 0NR
  • Service/Activity is free
  • Outside play opportunities
  • A qualified first-aider is on site
  • There are baby changing facilities
  • Ofsted registered
  • Suitable for an individual with hearing impairment
  • Dietary needs catered for

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