Family Lives

Family Lives helps parents to deal with the changes that are a constant part of family life. We know that many people play active roles in raising children, from dads and mums, grandparents, stepparents and non-resident parents. Our role is to support all of you to achieve the best relationship possible with the children that you care about, as well as supporting parenting professionals. We believe that happy children come from happy families.

People contact us about all aspects of family life including child development, issues with schools and parenting/relationship support. We also respond when life becomes complicated and provide support around family breakdown, aggression in the home, bullying, risky teenage behaviour and mental health concerns of both parents and their children. It is good to talk and we can help you find solutions and recommend further support within our own wider services and/or from our many partner organisations.

Family Lives is here for you. You can contact us about any family issue, big or small. We listen, support and never judge.


Our helpline is open Monday to Friday, 1:30pm to 9pm


Phone number
0808 800 2222

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