Family Friends

Befriending and mentoring to families living in Hammersmith & Fulham and Kensington & Chelsea who have a child under the age of 13 years. Practical and emotional support given by trained volunteers for two hours each week for a year. Helping families to help themselves through befriending and mentoring to families. Two services are available: Parent befriending (supporting parents with a child aged 0-13) and Child befriending (supporting children aged 5-13). Family Friends carefully recruits, trains and matches volunteers with parents, children or adolescents. Volunteers meet the family in their home, once a week for two hours. They offer long-term practical and emotional help based on each family's unique needs and potential. Volunteers pledge a year's commitment and Family Friends' staff back up their work with on-going supervision and family feedback interviews.

Age range

Parent befriending (supporting parents with a child aged 0 to 13) and child befriending (supporting children aged 5 to 13)


Phone number
020 8960 9099


St Charles Square
W10 6EJ

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