Diabetes UK London

Diabetes UK is the largest organisation in the UK working for people with diabetes, funding research, campaigning and helping people live with the condition. Services include awareness, holidays and other events for adults and children, professional conferences, education, fundraising, public meetings, support groups and roadshows. Our week-long children's holidays happen during the summer, and are packed with fun activities and chances to learn about diabetes. Our adult weekends are an opportunity for people with diabetes and their partners, loved ones or friends to discuss and learn about the condition. Our family weekends offer families where a child has recently been diagnosed with diabetes a way of meeting other families in the same position, to learn and to share experiences. Our 10,000+ volunteers are at the heart of Diabetes UK. Without this support, Diabetes UK could not carry out its vital work in research, education and care. The London regional office holds many fundraising and awareness events and we are always looking for people to help and support our work through volunteering.

Age range

Depends on activity. Children's support holidays for ages 7 to 11, 12 to 15 and 16 to 18


Phone number
020 7424 1116


Macleod House
10 Parkway

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