Children's Legal Centre and Child Law Advice Line

The Child Law Advice Line (CLAL) provides free legal advice and information covering all aspects of child and family law applicable to England and Wales.

Call us now on 08088 020 008 ? the number is free from landlines and most mobiles.

CLAL is run by the Children?s Legal Centre, a UK charity specialising in helping children and their families to access legal support.

Please note, CLAL is extremely busy on Monday and Tuesday mornings and lunchtimes, so if you have trouble getting through, please do call back in the afternoons.

We are open from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. Alternatively check out our wide range of free legal fact sheets or find our more about the work we do on our website.

The Children's Legal Centre is a unique, independent national charity concerned with law and policy affecting children and young people.

The Children's Legal Centre produces a number of publications including childRIGHT, a monthly publication and Working with Young People: Legal Responsibility and Liability.

It opened in 1981, as the major UK project for the International Year of the Child, and is staffed by lawyers and professionals with experience in child law.


Phone number
08088 020 008 (Child law advice line)
0800 783 2187 (Young person's line)
Email address


Great Portland Street

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