Anna McInulty

Provider type

Experienced childminder with over twenty years’ experience. I have a variety of educational toys and resources to help children learn and develop. I also take children to Masbro children's centres and to local parks.

I am able to support children with SEND including autism. Also children with diabetes, allergies, behavioual problems. I have an awareness of gangs and county lines and can support children to be safe on the internet.

I also do a lot of community work for LBHF as I like to help others, and have been a H&F Civic Award runner up for helping to make a positive difference within the borough.

References available on request.

Age range

0 to 11 years old


Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 5:30pm

Cost description

£10 per hour
£60 per day
Siblings will get a discount

Funded places

2 year old funding
3 and 4 year old funding (15 hours)
3 and 4 year old funding (30 hours)

Other information

This provider is registered with Ofsted.
Ofsted number

View the Ofsted reports for this provider

Ofsted inspections
Date Type Overall judgement
27 January 2006 Care Good
22 January 2010 Inspection (Early Years Register) Inadequate 1
28 June 2010 Inspection (Early Years Register) Satisfactory
24 February 2015 Inspection (Early Years Register) Requires Improvement
15 July 2016 Re-inspection (Early Years Register) Good
14 November 2019 Inspection (Early Years Register) Good
✓ School pickups and drop offs are offered


Contact name
Anna McInulty
Contact position
Phone number
07786 133168
Email address



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