Bishops Park responsible dog ownership PSPO

Map key

The map shows Bishops Park with the zones marked as solid and striped areas

  • Solid areas = No dogs
  • Striped areas = Dogs on leads

Dog free zones

The dog free zones are the:

  • area around the lake
  • splash pad and beach between Stevenage Road and the River Thames
  • 2 sections south of the splash pad around the circular concreted area including the children’s play area and the café
  • bowling greens and tennis courts adjacent to Bishop’s Park Road.

Dogs on leads

Dogs must be kept on their leads in the:

  • walkway between the 2 sections to the north of the circular concreted area
  • circular area
  • 2 sections to the south of it including the skate park, basketball court and skate park
  • the majority of Moat Gardens to the northeast of Bishop’s Park with the exception of the dog area.

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