Public spaces protection orders (PSPOs)

What are PSPOs?

Public Spaces Protection Orders are powers introduced by local authorities (created by the 2014 Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act) to deal with particular nuisances or problems in a defined area that affects the local community’s quality of life.

PSPOs can prohibit something or require certain things to be done, to ensure public spaces can be enjoyed free from anti-social behaviour.

Why do we need PSPOs?

PSPOs are designed to balance the rights of residents and visitors to enjoy our public spaces with the need to tackle anti-social behaviour efficiently.

What are the PSPOs in Hammersmith & Fulham?

Current PSPOs

We currently have 7 PSPOs, which have been implemented after consultation with residents.

Street harassment PSPO - to reduce incidents of antisocial behaviour and improve the safety for all those who work, live or visit the borough.

Thames Path PSPO - to ban the use of motorised vehicles along the pedestrianised parts of the Thames Path.

Alcohol consumption in public spaces - borough-wide PSPO to support responsible alcohol consumption in public spaces.

Hammersmith Town Centre PSPO - to support responsible street entertaining, busking and amplified public speaking in public spaces.

Responsible dog ownership protection order (PSPO) - to support responsible dog walking in public spaces.

Shepherds Bush station PSPO - to support responsible street entertaining, busking and amplified public speaking in public spaces.

White City PSPO - to support responsible street entertaining, busking and amplified public speaking in public spaces.

PSPOs we are consulting on

None currently.

PSPO recently consulted on

HAVE YOUR SAY: New powers to end street harassment.

Report a breach of a PSPO

You can report a breach of a PSPO to our Law Enforcement Team at or call us on 020 8753 1100 and select option 3.

PSPO enforcement

Officers able to enforce PSPOs include council officers (with delegated enforcement powers) such as the Law Enforcement Team, Police Officers and PCSOs. 

Penalty for breaching a PSPO

Breach of PSPO’s will be dealt with by way of a Fixed Penalty Notice. An authorised person may issue a fixed penalty notice to anyone they believe had committed an offence. You will have 14 days to pay the fixed penalty of £100 (£60 if paid within the specified timeframe, see individual PSPO conditions for details).

The council works in partnership with the Metropolitan Police to enforce PSPOs across H&F.

Areas where we can introduce PSPOs

We can introduce a PSPO on any public space within our authority.

The definition of public space is wide and includes any place where the public or any section of the public has access to, whether this is by payment, by right or by express or implied permission.

PSPOs apply to everyone when they're in an area with a PSPO in place.

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