Anti-social behaviour case review

Information on the anti-social behaviour case review (previously known as community trigger) which is designed to give victims and communities a say in the way anti-social behaviour is dealt with.

What is the anti-social behaviour case review?

The anti-social behaviour case review (previously referred to as community trigger) gives victims and communities the right to request a review of their anti-social behaviour case, where the locally defined threshold is met. The anti-social behaviour case review should ensure victims feel heard, give them an understanding of what is being done to help them, and build their confidence in the agencies involved.

The focus of the anti-social behaviour case review is on the ongoing anti-social behaviour and should be used if you believe your complaint has not been appropriately addressed or no effective action has been taken. The review cannot be used to report general acts of crime, including hate crime.

The review does not replace the complaints procedures of individual organisations, or your opportunity to complain to the Local Government Ombudsman or Independent Police Complaints Commission.

Who can request an anti-social behaviour case review?

In order to activate the anti-social behaviour case review, you must have;

  • Reported ASB to the council, police and/or a registered housing provider three times about separate incidents in the last six months and no effective action has been taken.
  • Reported one hate crime incident where no effective action has been taken

Each report must be made to either the council, police, or registered housing provider within one month of it taking place and all incidents reported must have taken place in the last 6 months. 

A victim can be an individual person, business or community group.

A third party can make an application for an anti-social behaviour case review on behalf of a victim, so long as the application is made with their consent. This can include (but is not limited to) a friend, relative, carer, councillor, Member of Parliament or another professional person. The victim may need to be contacted to establish the facts and the review process will not be able to commence until the victim’s consent is obtained.

How to submit an anti-social behaviour case review

To request an anti-social behaviour case review you can complete an online form, email, write a letter or call us.

If you decide to request an anti-social behaviour case review you will need to give the following details:

  • dates of each complaint
  • details of where you complained (name, organisation and/or Incident Reference Number)
  • information about the anti-social behaviour.

Request an anti-social behaviour case review

Call us on 020 8753 2693 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, or email us at

What can I expect?

Once you have requested an anti-social behaviour case review the anti-social behaviour unit will contact you to find out further details about your case and to complete a risk assessment. You will be offered the opportunity to provide a victim statement to explain the impact that the ongoing anti-social behaviour is having on you. We will also provide further details on other agencies that can support you. 

The anti-social behaviour unit will then contact the agencies that have been involved in your case and ask them to provide details on the actions that they have taken.

A multi-agency meeting will take place between the appropriate agencies, to discuss the anti-social behaviour and what actions have been considered and taken so far. The group will review how the partnership has responded and make recommendations on how the problem can be resolved. A decision will be made on whether the case meets the threshold for a anti-social behaviour case review but all cases that have three qualifying complaints will be discussed and an action plan will be agreed amongst agencies. 

When considering whether an anti-social behaviour case review has met the threshold consideration will be given to the following:

  • the persistence of the anti-social behaviour; 
  • the harm or potential harm caused by the anti-social behaviour; 
  • the adequacy of response to the anti-social behaviour. 

A response will be sent to you by the anti-social behaviour unit, explaining whether your anti-social behaviour case review met the threshold and details will be shared with you about the actions that have been agreed.  

In the event of any further incidents occurring, please call the police non-emergency 101 reporting line.

If there is an immediate threat to your personal safety please call the police on 999.

Hammersmith and Fulham have collaborated with ASB Help in developing our Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review policy and have taken the ASB pledge. ASB Help is a registered charity that was set up to provide advice and support to victims of ASB. The ASB pledge is a six-point commitment to promote awareness of the anti-social behaviour case review, ensure their process is accessible and inclusive and puts the victim first.

The ASB Pledge logo

Annual report on ASB reviews (previously referred to as community triggers)

For the year April 2023 - March 2024

•    18 applications were received
•    The threshold for review was met on 12 occasions
•    12 case reviews were carried out
•    12 case reviews resulted in recommendations being made
•    0 appeals received

For the year April 2022 - March 2023

  • 29 applications were received
  • The threshold for review was met on 25 occasions
  • 25 case reviews were carried out
  • 25 case reviews resulted in recommendations being made
  • 0 appeals received

For the year April 2021 - March 2022

  • 20 applications were received
  • The threshold for review was met on seven occasions
  • 14 case reviews were carried out
  • 14 case reviews resulted in recommendations being made
  • 1 appeal received

For the year April 2020 - March 2021

  • 5 applications were received
  • The threshold for review was met twice
  • 5 case reviews were carried out
  • 5 case reviews resulted in recommendations being made
  • there were no appeals

For the year April 2019 - March 2020

  • 11 applications were received
  • The threshold for review was met twice
  • 11 case reviews were carried out
  • 8 case reviews resulted in recommendations being made
  • there were 2 appeals

Flow chart to show the anti-social behaviour case review process

ASB Case Review Process (pdf)

Anti social case review process 2023 - see text version below. Link to pdf

Text version of flow chart showing the anti-social behaviour case review process

Reporting the hate crime or anti-social behaviour incident

  • A single incident of hate crime has been reported and no effective action has been taken
  • 3 reports of an ASB incident have been reported and no effective action has been taken
  • ASB Case Review submitted

Once the anti-social behaviour case review is submitted

  • An acknowledgement letter will be sent to victim within 3 working days 
  • The victim will be contacted to complete the Initial Victim Contact Form, which will include a risk assessment.
  • Relevant agencies notified of any application and asked to complete an ASB Case Review Partner Agency Response form within 5 working days.
  • All cases will be listed at a multi-agency meeting for discussion and a decision will be reached on whether the case meets the threshold for a anti-social behaviour case review

The request will be assessed by the CMARAC chair and ASBU Manager will take place within 15 working days of the receipt of the ASB Case Review activation.

Cases are listed at the Community MARAC and core agencies are informed of the case in advance. Agencies subject to the ASB Case Review are requested to attend the meeting.

ASB Case Review - within 20 working days of request being received

  • Cases that meet threshold proceed to
  • Multi agency discussion and action plan agreed

Outcome confirmed in writing within 5 working days and details of action plan agreed.

28 days to appeal outcome, to request matter be further considered.

Case passed to ASB help for review who have 21 working days to review and inform the applicant of the outcome.

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