Anti-social behaviour

Information and advice on how to deal with anti-social behaviour.

Reporting anti-social behaviour (ASB)

Hammersmith & Fulham Council work in partnership with the police and other agencies to tackle crime and ASB to make Hammersmith & Fulham a safe place to live, work and visit.

When to contact the police

All criminal behaviour should be reported to the police including theft, drug dealing, hate crime, threats of violence, harassment, and intimidation.

In an emergency call 999 if you think there is an immediate threat to life or property.

If it is not an emergency call 101.

If it doesn't require an immediate police response, or a crime has already taken place you can make a report online on the Metropolitan Police website.

You can report non-emergency incidents to the police by calling 101 or online on the Met Police website. You can also find out more about the Safer Neighbourhood Police Team in your local area by entering your postcode in the 'Find your area' search box.

Report anti-social behaviour to the council

Before reporting ASB you may want to consider talking to the individual concerned as they may not be aware that they are causing a problem.

In an emergency, such as when someone is injured, being threatened or in danger call 999

Report ASB online

Or call the ASB reporting line on 0208 753 3333 or email

Calls and emails will be answered during office hours only.

  • Council tenants: by calling the neighbourhood management duty line on 0208 753 4327 (South office team) or 020 8753 4808 (North office team). Calls and emails will be answered during office hours only.
  • Non-council tenants: by calling the ASB Unit on 020 8753 2693 or emailing Calls and emails will be answered during office hours only.
  • All residents can contact the H&F Law Enforcement Team for 24/7 support by emailing or calling 020 8753 1100 and selecting option 3 to report issues of concern.
  • The noise and nuisance service will investigate any noise complaints.

ASB in Housing Association properties should initially be reported to the relevant Housing Association. We will work with them if they are unable to resolve the issue.

What happens to your report

Your ASB case will be assessed and categorised as grade 1-4. For cases involving H&F Council properties, grade 1-2 cases will be managed by the ASB team and grade 3-4 cases will be managed by the housing officer.

All cases submitted concerning non council properties, housing associations, private landlords and owner occupiers will be managed by the ASB team.

Anti-Social Behaviour Unit

Reducing anti-social behaviour (ASB) and hate crime is a key priority for us.

We take all reports of ASB seriously and work closely with other agencies including the police, housing services, other landlords, victim support and youth agencies to ensure people feel safe.

You have the right to live peacefully in your own home and enjoy the area in which you live. We will record all reports of ASB but can only take action where the council can investigate, gather evidence and independently witness ASB.

The Anti-Social Behaviour Unit manages: -

Anti-social behaviour case review (previously community trigger)

If you have continued to make reports of ASB to the council, police or housing provider and you feel that no effective action has been taken to resolve the problem, you should consider whether your case would meet the criteria for an anti-social behaviour case review. The anti-social behaviour case review gives victims and communities a say in the way anti-social behaviour is dealt with. Find out about the anti-social behaviour case review.

ASB standards of response

We have minimum standards that all complainants of ASB and hate crime can expect to receive when they report ASB. See the table below.

ASB standards of response

ASB grading

The service leading the investigation

Commence initial investigations and offer initial interview

Update to all parties

Monthly contact to complainants

Grade one

ASB Unit

Within 2 working days

Within 10 working days of consent

At least once per calendar month

Grade two

ASB Unit

Within 3 working days

Within 10 working days of consent

At least once per calendar month

Grade three

Housing Management

Within 5 working days

Within 15 days of receipt of consent

At least once per calendar month

Grade four

Housing Management

Record details on system

Within 5 working days of initial complaint


We and our partners have many tools and powers we can use to tackle ASB, as well as using preventative measures to direct people away from causing nuisance to their neighbours. We can also put in place measures in residents' homes to protect them from harm if they have been threatened.

When investigating cases and taking a case to court for an injunction, an criminal behaviour order (CBO) or to evict a person, if relying on your evidence we will always ask for your consent before we do so. This is to make sure you are happy with the actions we are taking and that you understand the process of what may happen at court. We will never give your name to anyone unless you specifically agree for us to do so and you can report anonymously to us if you prefer.

Crimestoppers - You can report a crime anonymously via Crimestoppers. Contact by phone on 0800 555 111 and online 24/7 365 days a year.

Fearless - Fearless is part of Crimestoppers designed for children and young people.

Stop Hate UK provide an alternative for people who don't want to report hate crime to the council or police. Get independent support and information, 24 hours a day, every day of the year including an LGBTQ+ helpline. Witnesses of incidents can also report and receive support via the helpline.

Report hate crime to Stop Hate UK

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