Who we are and how to contact us
We're the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham's (H&F's) Procurement Service.
You can email us about data protection and privacy issues at dpo@lbhf.gov.uk or write to H&F Data Protection Officer, Hammersmith Town Hall, King Street, Hammersmith, London, W6 9JU.
Our Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) registration number is Z5124889.
Our data protection responsibilities
"Personal data" is any information that relates to an identifiable natural person.
The term "process" means any activity relating to personal data, including by way of example, collection, transmission, and storage.
The council is a "controller" of your personal data. This means that we make decisions about how and why we process your personal data and because of this, we are responsible for making sure it is used in accordance with data protection laws.
What we collect and process
We collect and process a range of information about suppliers, contractors, potential suppliers and contractors, companies and individuals.
This includes:
- name
- address
- contact details (email address and telephone number)
- date of birth
- nationality and country of residence
- details of any conviction.
The information is collected in a variety of ways. For example, data is collected through quote and tender submissions and correspondence with you using the council's online procurement portal capitalEsourcing.
Why we process your personal data
The data is necessary to ascertain the suitability of the companies owned or controlled by you before progressing the procurement and awarding the contract in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015.
Why we need it and what we do with it
Your information may be shared with the following parties for the purposes stated previously:
- other H&F council departments
- consultants assisting the council with the procurement
- National Fraud Initiative (NFI)
- His Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
- legal representatives of other parties in case of any challenges where necessary
- Cabinet Office – the council shares and receives personal data with the cabinet office through its Find Tender Service (FTS).
The information collected on FTS contains personal data and may include data relating to criminal convictions. It is necessary for the Cabinet Office to facilitate the registration of suppliers onto the digital system and for compliance with the Procurement Regulations 2024. Further detail can be found in the Cabinet Office FTS privacy notice.
Our purpose and legal basis for processing your data
Our lawful bases for processing your personal information are:
- UK GDPR Article 6(1)(b) - processing is necessary for the performance of a contract
- UK GDPR Article 6(1)(c) - our legal obligation(s) under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, the Procurement Regulations 2024 and the Local Government Transparency Code 2015
- The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023.
What are your rights?
Under the regulations you have various legal rights, including the following.
You have the right to:
- see any data we hold about you free of charge
- have inaccuracies in any data held about you corrected
- have information erased (and forgotten by us), subject to retaining commercial and accounts information as described above)
- prevent direct marketing to you by us
- data portability (to be provided with an electronic copy of the data relevant to you)
- complain to the regulator (ICO).
For more information on your rights and how to exercise them, please see Your data rights – what they are and Your data rights – how to exercise them.
How long do we keep your personal data?
Your personal data, along with all the information submitted during the procurement exercise, is kept for a period of 3 years in accordance with the requirement outlined in the Procurement Regulations.
If you are awarded the contract, your personal data along with all the tender information will form part of the contract and will be held for a period of 6 years (if executed underhand) or 12 years (if executed as a Deed) after the expiry of the contract.