Fulham Reach ward profile 2024 - Who we are


12,167 people

Number of residents

-75 people

-1% change since 2011

32 years

Median age

52% female, 48% male

Gender split

The ward's population has decreased by 75 people in the past 10 years.

Females make up 52% of the total population compared to 48% of males.

The median age of the ward is 32. This is lower than both H&F (34) and London (35).

12% of the population is under 16, compared to 16% in H&F and 19% in London.

Working-age people account for 77% of the ward's population. This is higher than both H&F (75%) and London (70%).

The population aged 66+ years has increased by 22% in the past 10 years and now stands at 11% of the total population. This compares to 10% in H&F and 11% in London.

Population percentages by age group for the ward and comparisons to H&F average.
Ward population pyramid by gender and age comparing 2011 and 2021.
Image credit
Source: 2011 and 2021 Censuses, ONS.

The population pyramid compares the 2021 age and gender breakdown with 2011. It is clear that the population in the ward is relatively young for both genders with a large proportion in the age range 20 to 34.

Fulham Reach has a population density of 15,480 people per square km compared to 11,161 for H&F as a whole and 5,598 for London.



Ethnic minorities


Foreign-born residents


No English speakers


No religion stated


Non-UK identity


Household size (persons)


Single adults (under 66)


Lone parent households

The ward ranks 9th highest on the proportion of the population describing themselves as White British (41%), and the 11th highest on proportion of 'Other White' residents (23%).

The ward has a higher proportion of residents from ethnic minority backgrounds (39%) than the H&F overall average (37%), making it the 9th lowest among all wards.

Ethnicity breakdown in the ward compared with the London average.
Text description: Ethnicity breakdown with London average

In Fulham Reach ward:

  • 65.6% of residents described themselves as White (London average is 53.8%)
  • 10.1% of residents described themselves as Black, Black British, Caribbean or African ethnicity (London average is 13.5%)
  • 12.5% of residents described themselves as Asian or British Asian (London average is 20.8%)
  • 6.4% of residents described themselves as Mixed or multiple ethnicities (London average is 5.7%)
  • 5.4% of residents described themselves as Other ethnic group (London average is 6.3%)

Foreign-born residents made up 45% of the ward population (46% in H&F).

A high proportion were born in:

  • an EU country
  • the Middle East or Asia
  • the Americas and the Caribbean
  • Africa

The ward has the 8th lowest proportion (15%) of households with no adults who speak English as a first language.

The main foreign languages spoken in the ward are:

  • Spanish
  • French
  • Portuguese
  • Italian
  • Arabic
  • Polish
  • Filipino

28% of residents identify themselves as a category that refers to a non-UK national identity, ranking the 8th highest in H&F.

Christians remained the largest religious group in the ward with 48% of residents (46% in H&F). 7% of residents identified as Muslim (12% in H&F) while 32% stated they had no religion.

The average household size is 2.3 persons. This compares to 2.3 persons in H&F.

Single adult households aged under 66 are the largest group (24%). This compares to 27% in H&F.

In 2021, 1,005 households (19%) had dependent children. This compares to 23% in H&F and 31% in London.

The ward has proportionately fewer lone-parent households (10%) than the borough average of 12%.

Health and disability


have very good or good health


have very bad or bad health


are Disabled residents


provide informal care

6% of females and 5% of males

are limted a lot

Life expectancy in the ward is slightly worse for females than the London average, but it is better for males.

Females are expected to live 82.7 years (the London average is 83.4 years) and males are expected to live 81.3 years (the London average is 78.8 years).

Life expectancy in the ward compared to London average.

87% of residents declared themselves in good or very good health (87% in H&F and 85% in London).

13% (1,605) of residents reported having a long-term health problem or disability that limits their day-to-day activities. This is the 9th highest level among all wards (13% in H&F).

6% of females and 5% of males reported their day-to-day activities being limited a lot.

Proportion of disabled people in the household.

76% of households in the ward do not have a Disabled member, while 20% of households include 1 Disabled member and 4% include 2 or more Disabled people.

6% of the population provide informal care - this is the 10th highest proportion in the borough. 51% give less than 20 hours of care a week while 25% provide 50 or more hours.

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