Youth projects, activities and services

Youth clubs, holiday activities and award schemes offer opportunities for young people to get out and about.

There are many youth projects and services operating during term time and the school holidays for 11 to 19-year-olds (up to 25 for young people with additional needs) that offer fun and exciting opportunities.

These activities are commissioned by us and run by community groups and other external organisations.

Youth holiday activities

Holiday activities take place during all half-terms, Easter and summer breaks, except Christmas, for 11 to 19-year-olds (or up to 25 for young people with additional needs).

The activities available include a wide range of sports, art, fashion, design, music, drama and dance sessions.

Find out more on our Holiday Activities and Food Programme webpages.

Free community youth projects and activities

Young people in Hammersmith & Fulham can benefit from a range of free activities.

Whether you want to play dodgeball, try your hand at some pottery, learn to perform on stage or receive mentoring and career support, there is something for everyone.

H&F Council has partnered with a group of well-known local organisations - Action on Disability, ASÉ, LMP Action and Harrow Club - to deliver this at multiple locations across the borough including pop-ups in H&F to meet the changing needs of our young people.

The free flexible youth offer in H&F includes:

  • youth groups and activities including sports, games, music, dance and drama
  • one-to-one mentoring sessions
  • trips to the countryside and coast
  • careers support
  • specialist activities for children and young people with additional needs
  • information, advice and guidance services (for both young people and families)
  • access to mental health and wellbeing support.

The offer provides a more flexible approach as we continuously work with our young people to ensure the free activities and support is being delivered in the right locations in the borough.

The free activities and support are for all 11 to 18 year olds, and up to 25 years old for residents with additional needs throughout the year.

Action on Disability

Action on Disability’s youth service offers a wide range of fun and accessible opportunities for young Disabled people aged 11-25.

Young people can challenge themselves, make new friends and learn new skills. They provide a range of activities during the school term time and the holiday period. Projects include a Youth Club, a Junior After-School Club, a music project, holiday projects, the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme and volunteering opportunities.

Please note this is a members-only service and you will need to become a member of Action on Disability to access the activities and clubs on offer.

If you or someone you know would like to become a member or find out more, please contact or call 020 3080 0383.

Youth Club

Masbro Centre, 87 Masbro Road, W14 0LR
Days and times:
Thursday (during school term time)
5.30pm to 8.30pm

Junior Club Day

Normand Croft Community School, Bramber Road, W14 9PA
Days and times:
Friday (during school term time)
4pm to 7pm


ASÉ are committed to providing early help and intervention to children and families within Hammersmith and Fulham through tailored one-to-one or group mentoring support to empower young people, build confidence and self-esteem.

They are delivering their i-MATTER Holistic Mentoring Programme to children and young people aged 10-18 years old (up to 25 for residents with additional needs).

Pop up locations in H&F include:

  • Ark Burlington Danes Academy, W12 0HR
  • WestWorks, W12 0RQ
  • MACWO, W12 7JP
  • ATM House, W12 8LJ
  • William Morris Sixth Form, W6 8RB
  • Children’s Centre, W6 7BJ
  • Fulham Cross Academy, SW6 6SN
  • Fulham Cross Girls School, SW6 6DP
  • Sobus, SW6 7EN
  • Hurlingham Academy, SW6 3ED (weekend taekwondo classes)
  • SEACC, SW6 3EZ.

To learn more about the service or to recommend someone to the programme, please call 020 3143 0209 or email

Follow ASÉ on Instagram and Twitter or visit Holistic Mentoring | Active Successful Engagement (ASÉ) CIC

Harrow Club

The Harrow Club will be offering activities from three locations in Sands End, White City and Old Oak.

Youth sessions will involve sports, games, music, dance, drama and workshops.

There will be a range of off-site activities to recreational and cultural events and centres, trips to the countryside and coast, and UK short breaks for some children who would otherwise not have a holiday.

Harrow Club will also offer a group mentoring service for young people in need.


Sands End Adventure Playground
Marinefield Road, SW6 2LL
Monday to Wednesday: 6.30pm to 9.30pm
Friday: 9pm to midnight

White City Adventure Café
Canada Way, W12 7DE
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 6.30pm to 9.30pm

Old Oak Community Centre
76 Braybrook Street, W12 0AP
Monday, Tuesday and Friday: 6.30pm to 9.30pm

For more information and details on outreach locations, please email or call 020 8969 2528.

Visit the Harrow Club website.

Sports activities and development

Find out about local opportunities to be more active including information about London Youth Games and SEN Ballers.

Sports activities and development

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) is a non-competitive programme of activities for anyone aged 14 to 25. There are three progressive levels each containing four/five sections. Participants must show commitment over a period of time and are encouraged to develop a range of skills.


  • Bronze (for those aged 14 and over)
  • Silver (for those aged 15 and over)
  • Gold (for those aged 16 and over).

The sections:

  • volunteering – helping people in the community
  • skills – developing a new skill
  • physical – sport, dance and fitness
  • expeditions – training for, planning and completing a journey on foot or horseback, by boat or cycle
  • residential project (Gold Award only) – a purposeful enterprise with people not previously known to the participant.

DofE groups are run by qualified adults who share their skills, enthusiasm and organising abilities to help young people reach their potential. It usually takes 6 to 12 months to complete bronze, 12 to 18 months for silver, and 18 to 24 months for gold. It may take less time to complete the silver or gold if the participant holds the preceding award. All DofE awards must be completed by the participant’s 25th birthday.

The DofE award runs in most of our schools and in some youth projects. For more information on how to get involved, please visit the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award website.

Young Hammersmith & Fulham Foundation

The Young Hammersmith & Fulham Foundation is a membership organisation who aim to build a vibrant membership base of organisations and people working with children and young people across the borough.

Find more information on the Young Hammersmith & Fulham Foundation website.

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