Managing health and safety is little different from managing any other aspect of school business.
Managing health and safety is about:
- developing a clear statement of policy for health and safety
- having in place an organisational structure to implement the policy
- identifying risks through suitable and sufficient risk assessments
- planning and implementing risk control measures
- inspecting premises and investigating incidents
- reviewing procedures periodically
Guidance and forms
- Contractor health & safety (pdf)
- Defibrillators in schools (pdf)
- First aid training provision (word doc)
- Governor's health and safety (word doc)
- Guidance on developing a health & safety policy (word)
- Hazard checklist for school premises (word doc)
- Hazards checklist school staff (word doc)
- Health & safety induction training (word doc)
- Health & safety inspections (word doc)
- Health & safety management (word doc)
- Incident reporting and investigation (pdf)
- H&S pathways to learning (word doc)
- Primary school classrooms inspection checklist (word doc)
- School skills matrix (word doc)
- School first aid (word doc)
- School first aid training (word doc)
- School operational requirements health & safety (word doc)
- School risk register (word doc)
- Special educational needs and risk assessment (word doc)
- Risk assessments (word doc)
- Risk assessment template (word doc)
- Construction health & safety (pdf)
- Construction design & management (CDM) notification of works form (pdf)
- Construction design & management (CDM) notification of works form (word doc)
- Construction non-notifiable works action sheet (word doc)
- Electrical safety (pdf)
- Managing personal safety in schools (word doc)
- Permit to work (word doc)
- Playgrounds and play equipment (word doc)
- Premises safety (word doc)
- School management of trees (word)
- School plant and equipment maintenance (word doc)
- School hot weather guidance (word)
- School winter weather (word doc)
- Working at height (word doc)
- Asbestos guidance - H&F Guidance (pdf)
- Asbestos management in schools -DfE guidance
- Control of Legionella (word doc)
- Display screen equipment (pdf)
- Display screen equipment: self-assessment form (pdf)
- Display screen equipment (DSE) workstation checklist (
- Hazardous and dangerous substances (word doc)
- HPA infection control poster
- Infection control (word doc)
- Lifting and handling loads or children (word doc)
- Manual handling risk assessment (word doc)
- New or expectant mothers (word doc)
- Noise at Work (word doc)
- Pupils with medical conditions (pdf)
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions - DfE guidance and templates
- Smoking at work (word doc)
- Stress and well-being (word doc)
- Voice loss (word doc)
- Fire emergency plan template (word)
- Fire risk assessment (word doc)
- Fire safety in educational establishments
- Fire safety management (word doc)
- Fire safety audit (word doc)
- Fire safety inspection (word doc)
- Investigating unwanted fire signals (word doc)
- Personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEPS) guidance (word doc)
- Personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEPS) forms (word doc)
- School fire door guidance (pdf)