Welcome to the home page of the health, safety and business continuity section of school staff zone. Health and safety is about preventing people from being harmed. Business continuity is about preparing for and recovering from major incidents that disrupt school activities.
Read our introduction to H&F Health, Safety and Business Continuity SLA.
Accident and incident reporting
AssessNET Incident Management Module.
The way we report workplace accidents, incidents and near-miss events has changed. From April 19 all reporting needs to be through the new AssessNet Incident Management Module.
For enquiries about AssessNET, please contact the corporate health and safety team on Corporatehealthandsafety@lbhf.gov.uk
Educational visits
LBHF have introduced an online educational visits planning and approval system. This is called EVOLVE and can be accessed using the username and password issued to the school.
Health and safety executive - school guidance
The Health and Safety Executive has a dedicated health and safety website for schools.
Department for Education - school guidance
The Department for Education (DfE) produces guidance for schools about health, safety and emergencies.
Policy and guidance documents
The links below will take schools to various guidance documents.
Policy documents
- DfE guidance-advice on legal powers and duties (pdf)
- Guidance on developing a Health & Safety Policy for schools (Word)
Guidance documents
Health and safety
Paul Barton