Independent travel training for young people

How young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can gain the skills and confidence to use public transport by themselves.

Travel training helps young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), get more out of life by giving you the confidence to travel independently.

Being able to access public transport can help you to make your own choices about how you live and what you want to achieve.

How we can help

The service helps to identify your goals and offers you a travel training course provided by official travel trainers.

Travel trainers, who provide one-to-one support throughout, can help prepare you for all kinds of travel, perhaps to school, further education or work.

Travel trainers are there to develop skills such as:

  • gaining confidence in using buses, taxis and trains
  • how to plan a journey
  • getting to know travel routes and timetables
  • identification of landmarks
  • where to get help
  • personal safety, hazard awareness and how to assess risks
  • money skills

Trainers will go with you on your journeys, encouraging and guiding you until we're confident that you have the skills to travel independently.

For more information contact your key worker or social worker.

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