Guide to direct payments for parents and carers

Find out about direct payments for children and young people 0 to 18, who can have them and how they can be used.

I need help with direct payments

You should start by asking for support from your allocated social worker. If they cannot answer your query, you can contact the Stephen Wiltshire Centre.

  • Telephone: 02087534443 (9.30-12.30 – Monday-Friday)
  • Email:
  • Write to: Direct Payments Support, The Stephen Wiltshire Centre, Queensmill Road, SW6 6JR

You can find more advice about receiving direct payments and becoming an employer (if you use your direct payments to employ a carer) on the following websites:

You can also seek independent advice from the Citizens Advice Bureau or an independent advocate.

Continuing the journey to adult social care

See personal budgets and direct payments for information about personal budgets and direct payments for young people 19 to 25.

You can also contact the adults advice team:

This phone line is free to call and is open Monday to Friday, 8.45am to 5pm.

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