Education, health and care (EHC) plans and assessments

Find out what an EHC plan is, who they can help, how to request an EHC needs assessment, how annual reviews work and transferring between stages.

Reviewing the EHC plan

The EHC team reviews your child's plan every year (every 3 to 6 months if your child is under 5 years old) in a meeting that you and your child or you as a young person can come to.

In the meeting they:

  • review how the support the child has received has helped them to improve their learning outcomes and make progress in other areas
  • see if the child's needs have changed in any way
  • review the outcomes and see if they need to be changed
  • plan for the next period up to the next review.

The child's educational setting will send the EHC team the information from the meeting. They will use this to decide whether they need to update the EHC plan.

Once the decision has been made the EHC team will write to you with the outcome.

If the EHC plan needs to be updated, the team will send you the revised draft plan for your comments, before then issuing a final amended EHC plan.

Find out more about annual reviews for education, health and care plans.

You can appeal to the SEND tribunal if you disagree with the SEND service changes, or if you disagree with the decision to not make changes, or to cease the EHC plan but you have to contact an independent mediation advisor first. KIDS SEND Mediation Service offers a free mediation and disagreement resolution service that is an independent service of the local authority.

Contact a mediation advisor at KIDS:

020 7359 3635

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