Work in childcare

Working in childcare is extremely rewarding, where you can make a difference to the lives of children in borough. Below you will find roles to consider, and where to go to access training and government funded opportunities.

Registered childminder

If you want to be self-employed and look after small groups of babies, toddlers and children in your own home, you can become a registered childminder. A registered childminder can choose to register with Ofsted (the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills) or a childminder agency. 

The Department for Education are currently offering a cash incentive to new childminders through their childminder start-up grant scheme, up until March 2025.

See Register as a childminder

Childminder assistant

If you want to help look after small groups of babies, toddlers and children in a childminder’s home, you can become a childminder assistant. You can work as an employee or volunteer.

To become a childminder assistant, you will need to demonstrate to the registered childminder that you have the skills for this. Enrolling or completing childcare training will strengthen your application. Ofsted will also need to check your suitability to work with children.

See below for local training providers.

You may also be interested in online training delivered by PACEY (Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years). See Preparing to work in home-based childcare on the PACEY website.


Nannies work in the home of one family at a time and can ‘live-in’ with the family or ‘live-out’. They are employed by the parent of the child(ren) they care for, rather than being self-employed. 

Nannies do not legally have to register with Ofsted however many do, so parents can get support with childcare costs from the government. To learn about registering as a nanny see Register as a nanny on GOV.UK. To explore different ways to get into this role see Nanny on the National Careers Service website.

See below for local training providers.

You may also be interested in online training delivered by PACEY. See Being a nanny in England on the PACEY website.

Nursery worker

A nursery worker can be a nursery assistant, early years educator, pre-school assistant, playgroup assistant or childcare worker. As part of the role, you will be the allocated ‘key person’ to children under your care, to ensure their learning and care needs are being met.

Most nursery workers will be qualified to Level 2 or 3; however, some may be unqualified but undertake training alongside employment, or a student on a placement. To explore different ways to get into this role see Nursery worker on the National Careers Service website.

See below for local training providers.

You may also be interested in online training delivered by PACEY. See Level 2 early years practitioner diploma on the PACEY website.

Local training providers

To become a childminder assistant, nanny or nursery worker visit:

Those looking to become a nanny or nursery worker you can also visit:

•    Childcare: Early Years Educator on the H&F Adult Learning and Skills website

Free early years apprenticeship

The Department for Education are offering free early years apprenticeship opportunities suitable for those with no previous experience.
See Early Years Educator on GOV.UK.

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